What does a Creative person learn at School online?
By Dwayne Carson
Mid October Brooklyn is usually full of excitement, art, and fashion, mid October is fashion week in Brooklyn. However, the pandemic caused the fashion week to go virtual. Instead of designers and models walking through the streets of Brooklyn with their flamboyant outfits, they were filmed on a secluded rooftop. The shots were then uploaded to several streaming platforms for the world to see. In a way, the pandemic has given way more exposure to the models and designers who participated in fashion week Brooklyn because it’s less exclusive. More people are allowed to see it from the comfort of their own home instead of having to travel to Brooklyn and buy expensive fashion show tickets. In a week full of talented designers and models, it was one set that stood out the most. Rey Jaiteh put together a model lineup that featured Christopher Butler, he wore pieces that combined African style with modern streetwear. The first look was a color-blocked trench coat that was accompanied by African patterns, on his feet he wore combat boots and shades that added to the fierce attitude Chris uses to tear the runway apart. The second look was a white jacket and cargo set with flowers and straps hanging from the pockets, to complete the African/Streetwear look Chris styled his hair with four cornrows in a zig-zag design. Although this was his first big modeling performance Chris walked as if he’s been there countless times, you can tell Chris is a natural performer.
The first time I saw Christopher Butler was at a UDE dance recital five years ago he stuck out like Christmas lights in July. Besides him being the only boy on a stage full of girls, Christopher had so much energy, he had natural charisma, Chris carried himself as an individual, he displayed the “IT” factor that makes celebrities identifiable. Today Chris proves to me that day wasn’t a mask, and it’s his personality, that the charisma he showed on stage that day is just who he is: a natural performer. Five years from now the same individualism he portrayed on stage is being used in all his artwork.
Christopher reinvented himself by adding a variety of new talents to his repertoire. As well as a dancer, Chris is a makeup artist, photographer, graphic designer, model and he makes his clothes, He is a Swiss Army knife creative. Chris said, “it’s important to reinvent yourself, I consider myself as a brand and I have to make sure my capabilities vary so I can expand my audience”. He wants to prove his worth as a creative person to broaden his audience but production has been put on pause because of the pandemic that forced everyone to stay inside. Other than his participation in Fashion week Brooklyn Chris hasn’t been able to get any other real opportunities to prove himself creatively. It’s been a struggle to prove himself because COVID-19 claims new lives daily; he describes it as “ you’re risking your life to be successful and prove your worth as an artist”. He then adds “Nothing’s changed you’ve always had to risk your life to gain bigger rewards”. Despite the global pandemic putting a halt on traveling and big gatherings, production never stops for him; it just slowed down. His Instagram still shows him doing a few quick creative projects for example on Halloween he executed a Lion King-themed make-up, he picked out his afro to resemble a wild mane and he added a photoshoot along with it that includes a background of pride rock. He called this a quick project to keep him entertained during Halloween since everything has been shut down. This is what makes Chris so amazing, he can produce original high-quality creative content in a short amount of time, the individualism and artistry of this young man are extraordinary. Which speaks more to his individual larger than life personality.
As well as a brand what also makes him so unique is he is a full-time student at Morehouse College. Becoming a student is so risky for him because as a student school comes first while his creative activities come second. Amidst him trying to prove his worth as a creative, it has to take a back seat as he tries to prove himself as a student. What does this swiss army knife’s creative decision to make his major? He majors in Business Marketing, he was extremely dedicated to branding himself and proving himself to be good enough of a creative to make a living. However, he believes that the Morehouse Business program doesn’t prepare him for what he wishes to achieve after school. “ I feel like the academic structure we have here (Morehouse) is based around working for someone else which is something I never thought about doing ever in my life”. The presence Chris exhibits as an individual, you wouldn’t expect anything less from him than to run a business of his own. Although Chris is only in his first semester at Morehouse and his plans have already changed he has an overall goal he wants to achieve at Morehouse. “ I want to idolize my time at Morehouse to be something beneficial across all spectrums and not just in one spectrum because school is very expensive ”. He wishes to have clean matriculation at Morehouse, but what’s most important to him is earning that degree that proves to society he is worthy of a chance to prove himself in an industry that is a lot bigger than his platform right now. In his matriculation, if he can keep focused on school and develop a balance of creativity and productivity, Christopher Butler will be the next big star to graduate from Morehouse College, regardless of what path he decides to take. Whether it be business marketing, modeling, dance, photography, or any new talent he picks up along the way, he will be successful because of the charisma and individualism he carries himself with.